Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gas Prices are cheap....?

So, I noticed that gas prices here are about 1600won, roughly $1.50. I asked my older cousin what was up with the gas prices, and I told him how cheap USA's were compared to that. Turns out, gas prices there go by the liter, not by the gallon. There are about four liters per gallon, which means they're paying about $6.00 per gallon. Amazing. Good thing all the cars there are basically all hybrids. 50mpg city is the USA's 30mpg city.

So yeah, a cousin of mine around my age took me out for a nice, healthy drink and beef. Boy was it tasty. I had an amazing time, and if this is just the beginning, then I know Korea will be so awesome.


  1. Hey Steve....Julie,Logan, Drake and Jeff all say hello!!! We are at the lakehouse and have had a great day. Will look forward to following your trip to Korea and I am sure you will have a GREAT TIME!!! Enjoy and be safe!!


    PS Hope you will come and visit us again at the lakehouse!

  2. Hey Steve,

    I know I am not your aunt but I follow my neices blog so that is how my account shows up, sorry!!
