So I've begun my teaching fiasco thing. It's a lot of fun, and I''m teaching kids that range from 1st graders to freshmen. It's really interesting to know how students brains work, to know that it's much more easier for them to attain information if the lesson is taught with Korean integrated with English, rather than full on English itself, which is what I was employed to do.
Anyhow, Funny story to tell ya'lls.
Before we begin, to the non-Korean background audiences, the word Bahp, very similar in pronunciation to the name Bob, means food.
So in my best fifth grade class (my favorite class), the students actually listen and respond, and actually study. There's this one kid in the back (whom I will refer back to very soon) who's the cutest thing on the planet, really shy, and at first I thought he was a year younger, studying up, due to how small he was. The rest of the class is fairly rowdy, but regardless, they study hard and they're smart so I let them. Anyways, we're learning about restaurant conversations and what to say when to order, etc. etc. and I'm going around the class, asking everybody what their answers were. It eventually came to the kid in the back of the class, whose name is Robert (the kids choose their own English names). When it came to Robert, I asked him what his answer was, and right after that, I proceeded to ask if I can call him Bob.
The kids in the class were in riots, they were howling and hooting, that his name sounded like Bap, so essentially, they all called him food.
Robert didn't respond for a bit and just bowed his head down, staring at his paper, no more than 2 inches away from his face.
I asked Robert what was wrong, saying "What's wrong, Bob?" Again, the class is uncontrollable. AT this point, it wasn't a joke, I didn't mean any offense at all, and he's still sitting in the position he just was.
Eventually some girl leans over, angles herself to see his face, and yells "I THINK HE'S CRYING!"
And that's exactly what Robert proceeds to do.
So now I'm freaking out, I have no idea how to handle this situation. I just made this undeserving, timid, fragile kid cry. I go over up to him and I'm saying sorry like crazy. I even offered to buy him a meal. That was pretty stupid of me because then that's just like saying a promise I can't keep. I'm so stressed out, the kids are all laughing and making fun of how I'm such a horrible person, I'm actually feeling like this horrible person, and there is poor little Robert, bawling his eyes out; his paper covered in tears.
Well, eventually Robert calms down and I'm finally able to breathe. Long story short, he forgave me and class continued as usual, but boy was this an experience for the future if I ever do end up teaching or do something of the likes.
Even though it's pretty hectic, this teaching job is sure fun, and I'm thinking about considering it after college, but for now, I'm taking things day by day. Korea just keeps getting better and better.